Cole Porter's single greatest contribution to the 'pop culture' of 1934 may well be the playfully allusive “You're The Top” from 'Anything Goes'. It was a catalog of topical and cultural events, products, famous people, literature.
It is contemporaneously used by unpolished scriveners such as AISLE SAY to satirize current events.
Sample from Porter. Please sing along at home:
You're the top!
You're the Colosseum.
You're the top!
You're the Louvre Museum.
You're a melody from a symphony by Strauss
You're a Bendel bonnet,
A Shakespeare's sonnet,
You're Mickey Mouse.
With that preamble, please continue singing....
Need some beer?
Call Chris Tigani
Out of booze?
He's the licensee...e
Got a sweetheart deal from Gover...nor Aunt Bee
Want Eagles tix?
Maxim's hot licks
He's Mr. Geniality!
You pay to play
All's cozy in Dover
Alcohol ...will win votes over
When Ruthann flies to Canada by air
His charter is gratis. He has the status.
“Big deal.... Who cares?”
We're a team
It's called... Team Minner
Have a Bud
Won't make you thinner
Need a caravan to Margaritaville?
He's charismatic
Yet so pragmatic
Hey...Down a swill !!
Bought a home
From a guy named Charley
Took a loan
Was a tad bit tardy ($$) :-(
He wanted the power (Pass the whiskey sour!)
Needs a monopoly!!
Just liked to party
He's a mess
Big time full hardy
Took Dad to trial. He said he was unfit..
He's the intoxicator
The 'liquid' ator
A narcissist!!
(Maxim Chorus Girl Pillow Fight Finale)
Yes, baby, he's a player,
Yes, baby, he's a player
He's the top!!
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